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Michal Tvrdý

Ředitel marketingu Kliniky YES VISAGE

How was pandemic period for you?
It was a period like no other, impacting the lives of millions across the globe, but it also brought big changes to YES VISAGE Clinic. We have built two new, significantly larger and more modern branch offices in the Churchill II Complex in Prague and Bezruč Residence in Bratislava. These branches have replaced already existed ones in these cities, thus becoming highly qualified extensions of services, with the latest equipment provided by clinics for Czechia and Slovakia. Our clinics are now located in important Czechoslovak cities, and our team of almost 40 doctors ranks us among the largest clinics of aesthetic and preventive medicine, and plastic surgery in the Czech and Slovak Republics.

What does the Most Trusted Brands Award mean to you?
YES VISAGE Clinic is trusted by many clients who are satisfied with our services, and every year over 30 000 of them leave their feedbacks on independent portals, which make us among the best rated clinics
in the Czech and Slovak Republics. We appreciate this award in the field of aesthetic medicine, as a great reward for the hard work of the whole team, which in a way confirms our slogan: “Beauty in the hands of professionals”.
Building trust is a long-term and a complex process that pays off. From the very beginning of the history of YES VISAGE Clinic, we have been working intensively to ensure that every customer can be sure of the quality of services, and besides, the money they pay goes for a truly professional service with a personal human approach that not only fulfills their expectations, but often goes beyond it.
We are really pleased with the Most Trusted Brands Award. It is a sign that we are doing our job very well. Moreover, we are not only a trusted and modern name, but also a brand that follows and deter-
mines modern trends.

What can your clients look forward to in new clinic?
Definitely to expand the range of service. The clinic already has more than 300 services, from non-invasive care to gentle mini-invasive, laser, or dermatological procedures to surgeon-required procedures. A completely new one is BEAUTY ZONE by YES VISAGE: a separate lounge zone dedicated to relax and pleasant experiences in the form of premium beauty and hairdressing services.


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