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Inga Pikhnovska

Místopředsedkyně Rusko-české smíšené obchodní komory


How long have you been operating in the market?
The Russian-Czech Chamber of Commerce was established on September 6, 2012, at the initiative of a group of Russian and Czech companies that would like to strengthen and develop business and other relations between the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic.

What are your prospects for development in the near future?
In the near future, we plan to address one of the global trends in the global market – Digital Marketing. So now the main new area for our development is Internet communications. We are working on creating an Internet portal which will be useful and interesting for entrepreneurs who plan to expand their activities abroad, or who want to start a business in Russia.

I hope one day to have the prospect of creating joint ventures in the Czech Republic that are focused on both the domestic and Russian markets, as well as creating trading houses in both countries.

Your secret of success?
Our success is associated with the large number of different services that we provide. The most popular services are organizing B2B meetings, searching for partners that are efficient exactly for you, and then tracking the status of the company that entered the market with our help.


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