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Tatiana Lisichkina

Majitelka hotelů pro psy a kočky VIP Pets


How long has your company been operating in the market?
The cat hotel, VIP Cats, has been open since 2015, and a year later the doors were also opened for our dog clients in the luxury hotel for dogs. This job comes with great gratification and joy, but also many obligations. A great responsibility, vast experience and knowledge – it is not as easy as it seems. However, I do not regret that I started this project 5 years ago.

I hope to one day to say, that I managed to accomplish everything
I dreamed of as a part of this business. We are gradually expanding and improving. This year’s novelty will be the manufacturing of luxury cat furniture that is currently missing in the Czech Republic.

Your secret of success?
Our bet was on uniqueness in everything – starting from the design of all the buildings in the VIP Pets complex all the way through their interior equipment and the daily personalized care for our four-legged clients, and their owners. I believe that everything has worked out well – but only you can judge that.


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