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Jiří Školník

Painter, graphic designer, and illustrator (1944–2015). Born in Prague’s Žižkov area, this artist based his artwork on three pillars: excellently mastered creative art, art history education and great talent.

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Singer Jan Smigmator is issuing a new album!

Something is coming up. It’s something different. And it’s fine! It looks like the year of 2020 itself, when coronavirus is trying to impose its tempo and melody on us all, has poured into Jan Smigmator’s veins some extremely kind and wild transfusion. The shiny podium with reflectors and a big band at the back which he was used to in a great series of Sinatrology concert projects has been exchanged for a different world. In summer, he started jamming in his own garden and revived Jazz Piknik, one of the most original music projects of the COVID period. Moreover, the smallest jazz club in the world is going to make it.

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Miloš Vacík

Výtvarník, hudebník, lektor, kapelník ve skupinách Tam-Tam Batucada a Tam-Tam Orchestra, zakladatel Slunečního orchestru, Šum svistu a první školy samby v České republice Tam-Tam Batucada Samba Praga

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Choir that powerful over everything

Time has stopped. My hands are warm and they’re getting warmer. Alexey Kleptsin is conjuring his singers and beginning to control my breath; my lungs start to breathe in sync with his hands and lips.

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