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Miloš Vacík

Výtvarník, hudebník, lektor, kapelník ve skupinách Tam-Tam Batucada a Tam-Tam Orchestra, zakladatel Slunečního orchestru, Šum svistu a první školy samby v České republice Tam-Tam Batucada Samba Praga


How long have you been operating in the market?
The Tam-Tam Orchestra band was founded in 1999, and our Samba school – in 2004. So we are celebrating 21 years in the market and 16 years of the Samba school. I have constantly been engaged
in creativity throughout my life.

What are your prospects for development in the near future?
I believe that interest in our Drum show will still be there. We bring joy, energy, emotions. Our band is invited to play at festivals, concerts, and corporate events. We played at the Expo 2010 Shanghai China and at the Czech Days in Milan 2015. As for my art – I mainly paint canvases and do illustrations. I recently started working with glass. I believe that my art and musical works will keep being joined in my projects.

I hope to one day to be able to work more with glass, so the new adventure will continue. I hope people will be interested in my art objects and paintings, and in my music.

Your secret of success?
First and foremost, everything I do flows from my heart. I follow my dreams, I try to fulfill all my wishes. Of course, everyone should be happy. The opportunity to devote oneself to one’s favorite work is a great blessing.


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