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Kateřina Haring

Prezidentka Českomoravské asociace podnikatelek a manažerek

Viceprezidentka Femmes Chefs D’Entreprises Mondiales (světová asociace žen podnikatelek) pro Evropu

Spolumajitelka a jednatelka DYNAMIC GROUP spol. s r.o.

You are the president of the Czech-Moravian Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Managers, and hold the third highest post in the FCEM association. How do you manage to harmonize the time you spend on business and the time you spend with your family?
Sometimes it is very difficult, mainly mentally, especially when you have the same date for a very important deadline on all three of your frontlines. I definitely would not be able to manage it without the understanding and help of my husband and my parents. At times, when I am not working abroad, I make breakfast every day for my daughter, I make her a snack and drive her to school. The evenings get quite hectic as that is the time of after-school activities and home-work. When my tasks pile up, I wake up very early in the morning and work, as it is the most peaceful part of the day. I try not to work at weekends, but sometimes it is not possible. When it becomes too much for me to handle, I go for a massage to relax, reconsider my work priorities a bit and keep going afterwards.

You build expositions at exhibitions all over the world. Which one do you consider the most successful?
The most successful? Successful expositions are those where the client returns wanting to continue working together. That happens in most cases. For me personally, getting a client who I have been striving to win for 8 years has been a success. One of the most interesting expositions was definitely the one in an iceberg shape, on a surface of 400m2. It was an unevenly shaped construction, difficult in terms of statics and in terms of the approval process, too. The surface was as glittery as ice, simply perfect. Both the client and the visitors of the exhibition were thrilled – you could tell by how they kept walking round and round, taking pictures.

What are, according to you, the strengths of a successful female entrepreneur?
In my opinion, the balance between things you consider vital for your well-being, and when you are in harmony with those closest to you. In my case, this proved to be successful: remain calm even in the most escalated situations, when you feel like giving up. Everything has a solution, you just might not be able to see it yet. It has really proven to be effective for me multiple times. I don’t take things personally. When someone criticizes me, I don’t waste my energy on explaining why he or she is wrong. It’s their opinion… And, apart from that, I have strong self-discipline. I keep my word. Don’t look for casualness or self-confidence in me – I am still working on those. I do not have an answer for every question and can’t do a lot of things, but I am trying to be the best at what I think or know I am good at. I keep learning from situations, meeting people, and listening. I believe anyone can be successful in business, if they follow what they love and what they are good at, although sometimes it is hard to discover it. For some it comes naturally and they will start achieving great economic results quickly. Others might need to dedicate more of their time in order to make it.


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